Nuova Galleria d'arte La Piccola
Gallery, Bologna, Italy, joined 15 years ago
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 07 March 2015
Di sicuro uno degli artisti bolognesi particolarmente cari alla Nuova Galleria d’Arte la Piccola, è Guido Bugli, Maestro di grande talento che si è saputo contraddistinguere nel panorama della nostra...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 10 January 2015
“Perseguo e innovo la pittura impressionista e realista francese e russa con approccio contemporaneo. La pittura figurativa contemporanea, in cui opero, dà allo spettatore la possibilità di immergersi...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 06 December 2014
Dopo il grande successo dello scorso anno avuto con la mostra “Battaglia celestiale”, Meme Baccolini si misura con un'altra personale principalmente dedita all'acquerello, sua tecnica prediletta già d...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 08 November 2014
Rodolfo Savoia ha deciso di stupire il pubblico con questa sua personale, frutto di una nuova produzione studiata e meditata da tempo.
Protagonisti non saranno solamente le sue splendide figure uman...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 25 July 2014
La Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola presenta Paolo Pallara, un artista ferrarese grande sperimentatore della materia. Le sue opere, infatti, sono espressione di una forte emotività informale che trasf...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 01 July 2014
Vernissage martedì 1 luglio 2014 ore 18.00
“Caro Giorgio...”
La Nuova Galleria d'Arte la Piccola prosegue e amplia la mostra dell'artista Maurizia Piazzi...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 18 June 2014
Bologna, 26 maggio 2014_La grande arte del Novecento è di nuovo
protagonista al Grand Hotel Majestic “già Baglioni” di Bologna, con
l’omaggio a uno dei più grandi pittori del ventesimo secolo, Giorg...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 30 May 2014
“La dotta, la grassa, la rossa” è così che viene ricordata la nostra città ed è così che ironicamente abbiamo deciso di intitolare la mostra che, come di consuetudine, dedichiamo alla nostra Bologna....Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 09 May 2014
Vernissage venerdì 9 maggio 2014 ore 17,00
mostra collettiva
Pensando ad una mostra sul rapporto a due viene in mente immediatamente l'amore del rapporto di co...Read all
Courses, Italy, Bologna, 04 April 2014
Stiamo aprendo la nostra scuola con corsi di acquerello, pastello, fotografia, storia dell'arte e molto altro!!!
Il 4 aprile 2014 a partire dalle ore 16.00 gli insegnanti saranno disponibili in gal...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 14 March 2014
La traccia lasciata dal movimento ci ha portato a creare la base di questa mostra che racchiude in sé l'originalità di queste nostre artiste. Il movimento è attivo, astratto, riguarda la fisicità, ma...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 28 February 2014
La mostra, curata dal critico d'arte Silvia Arfelli, presenta un percorso espositivo completamente incentrato sulla figura umana: spaccati di vita quotidiana, figure immote e silenziose, atmosfere cat...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 14 February 2014
"What is going to be born. The body with the touch "is not just a play on words transformed into art in the works of different artists.
Laura Costanzi whose skill in working the clay leads to the mo...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 30 January 2014
Difficult is the job of the artist. Not only must show his technical skill, but also give a message expressing his emotions and give it to the user. Choosing the right composition and begin to work....Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 15 January 2014
The exhibition of Paola Serra is an excerpt of his world, poetic and fluctuating, but mostly symbolic.
The technique she uses the pen on paper, sometimes accompanied by colorful pastel or tempera, pe...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 20 December 2013
During the Christmas season, a personal exhibition of Giuseppe Casali wants to be an opportunity for in-depth knowledge of his painting eclecticism and passion of this artist.
His touch, often mate...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 06 December 2013
Magical paths , those artists that make up this exhibition :
Meme Baccolini with slides of his watercolors , Patricia Berardo blood and timeless in his still lifes ; Anna Ciccotti who expresses her e...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 31 October 2013
Rodolfo Savoia is an artist who has decided to devote himself entirely to the technique of pastel reaching its maximum expression.
In this exhibition will present a selection of new works side by s...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 05 October 2013
The Nuova Galleria D'Arte La Piccola, on the occasion of the Contemporary Art's Day, decided to give space to an artist, Maurizia Piazzi that through his work has made a real tribute to the Master Gi...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 13 September 2013
The Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola opens the fall season with an exhibition strong tones that highlights the problems of our current Italian.
Each artist expresses their underwear, their feelings...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 09 August 2013
The New Art Gallery, Little inaugurated in August, a summer exhibition entitled "Memories of journey."
Anna Ciccotti will present a series of landscapes ranging from water to oil very graphic and s...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Messina, Milazzo, 03 August 2013
For this month of August, the Caruso Gallery and the Nuova Galleria d'arte La Piccola have created a partnership through the exhibition Scents of Summer exhibition which will feature four artists from...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 28 June 2013
As usual, the Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola dedicates the month of July with an exhibition on our beautiful city: Bologna.
Already since last exposure did the collaboration with the laboratory o...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 17 May 2013
Seven are the artists that will be part of this exhibition that aims to highlight how the still life, we like to call silent life, is still very much present in contemporary painting.
Patrizia Bera...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 03 May 2013
The problem of violence against women is unfortunately increasingly prevalent and affects us all.
For this reason that the Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola decided to dedicate one of his appointments...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 12 April 2013
Through the works of several artists, the Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola decided to pay homage to a mysterious and fascinating Italian city: Venice.
Patrizia Berardo with its glimpses oil, Emanue...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 02 March 2013
The exhibition will highlight Meme Baccolini all his love for watercolor.
Through his work he decided not only to express herself in every way, but also to pay homage to his teachers as Aurelio Barba...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 01 February 2013
This exhibition is inspired by the project of cultural exchange between two art galleries: AV17 in Vilnius and Nuova Galleria La Piccola in Bologna.
The idea that art crosses, or better, ignores bou...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 18 January 2013
The Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola begins the new year with a two-person exhibition presenting two artists who express, through two different painting techniques, their most intimate.
On the one...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 15 December 2012
The S. V is called
Opening December 15, 2012 17:00
Gilberto Sanmartini is known as the painter of the fog and it seems that his brushes...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 29 November 2012
The S. V is called
Opening November 29, 2012 17:00
La Nuova galleria d'Arte la Piccola inaugurates the period gets closer and closer to Christmas with an exhibition that...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 10 November 2012
La S. V è invitata
Vernissage sabato 10 Novembre 2012 ore 17,30
Mostra Personale di Giovanna Rapezzi
Quello di Giovanna Rapezzi è un omaggio al colore; le tonalità a...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 20 October 2012
The S. V is called
Opening Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 17.30
These are the vices of which reflected the artist...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 22 September 2012
The S. V is called
Opening Saturday, September 22, 2012 17.30
exhibition of Patrizia Berardo and Maurizia Piazzi
The Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola introduced a new style...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 03 August 2012
The S. V is invited Opening August 3, 2012 18.00 exhibition "THE SCENTS OF SUMMER" During the month of August, the New Art Gallery houses a small exhibition definitely summer. The artist Maurizia Piaz...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 06 July 2012
The appointment with an event dedicated entirely to the views of Bologna has become indispensable for Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola. This year, moreover, many new entries have crossed the threshold...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 04 May 2012
Opening May 4, 2012 18.00
The New Art Gallery, "La Piccola" is pleased to invite the group show "The Nude between figurative and inf...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 03 March 2012
The Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola is pleased to invite you to the exhibition by Patrizia Berardo at our showcase "Regalarte" Via Santo Stefano 29 / i.
Patrizia is an artist who likes to try sneak...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 04 February 2012
The S. V is invited
Opening February 4, 2012 at 17:00
exhibition of
"The painter of horses and not only ..."
The New Art Gallery, "Little" is pleased to invite you to FI...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 13 December 2011
The S. V is invited
for the day December 13, 2011 at 17:30 in the afternoon event:
"Tea with the jewels of Daniela"
at the window "Regalarte" The Nuova Galleria D'Arte La Piccola V...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 26 November 2011
The Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola is pleased to invite the final event of 2011 and the closing of the mezzanine space.
In fact we decided to focus our work exclusively on the window of St. Stef...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 29 October 2011
The collection of works "Fuori Tema" of the Master Gino Rocca will be presented by Fiorella Sales at Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola.
Personal exposure show the most eccentric and original artist's...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 08 October 2011
Ant attends daily at home over 3,300 cancer patients in a completely free and offers cancer prevention projects aimed at citizenship.
From 1985 to now, more than 85,000 Sufferers have received ass...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 17 September 2011
The New Art Gallery "La Piccola" opens the season with an exhibition of the artistic character intriguing, deep and intimate: "Moments of Life".
The exhibition will gather in a single appointment p...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 11 June 2011
The New Art Gallery, "La Piccola" presents the first edition of the competition - the 2011 Premio Renzo Magnanini, paying homage to the great master who knew how to juggle between painting, sculpture...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 14 May 2011
The New Art Gallery "La Piccola "presents "Intimate Expressions", personal exposure Tiziana Baiesi.
The exhibition, through painting, highlights the sensitive and refined skills of the painter to...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 02 December 2010
"Space-time lights and shadows of the informal," an exhibition that will give birth to an artist of international reputation which Bruno Pinto, who has found the most authentic in the informal order o...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 09 October 2010
It will be held in the cozy atmosphere of the lounge by the Bolognese "La Piccola" a solo exhibition of paintings by Gino Rocca, by Fiorella Sales and Maria Teresa Solomone.
"The Light in his drawer...Read all
Prize calls, Italy, Bologna, 30 September 2010
Following numerous requests, the date of expiry of the Competition of the Nuova Galleria d'Arte La Piccola- Renzo Magnanini Prize in 2011, was extended to March 31!
Come along!
Have a good job
Staf...Read all
Prize calls, Italy, Bologna, 30 September 2010
The Nuova Galleria d'Arte la Piccola index for the first time the Prize Renzo Magnanini 2011 which, in addition to pay homage to the great painter and sculptor, is aimed at finding new talent in diffe...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 19 June 2010
The New Art Gallery "La Piccola" presents an exhibition on its premises across the famous artists, united in a remarkable collection of critical interest and iconologico.Un 'exposure that comes from c...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 10 April 2010
The New Art Gallery exhibits the works of The Little Master Angel rates, will assume the presentation Maria Teresa Solomon.
The event, through painting, highlights the artist's passion and knowledge...Read all
News, Italy, Bologna, 10 April 2010
The Master of Staff Angelo rates, given the great public which was the protagonist, is extended until May 16.
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 13 March 2010
The new Art Gallery "Little" presents the personal exhibition "The magical season of Rolando Gandolfi."on of
The exhibition which opens Saturday, March 13th at 17:30 with an elegant Vernissage will...Read all
News, Italy, Bologna, 02 March 2010
New Gallery "La Piccola" proposes a new showcase in the center city.
A bright and comfortable place to expose and bring their works of art.
Dear Artists,
"La Piccola" - always looking for new strat...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 13 February 2010
"The New Art Gallery Little"
Presented in the light of its intimate lounge art, twenty-one days of exposure the banner of womanhood.
Ten artists will involve an attentive audience in a varied path,...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 12 December 2009
An event for lovers of pictorial art of the masters of the nineteenth and twentieth century Bolognese, a path between their works not to be forgotten, a path between their emotions, including their co...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 19 September 2009
The retrospective of Renzo Magnanini, the Master will be presented by his friend ever, the friend of a life that has followed him to the last farewell, Maurizio Messori, to him the honor of the memory...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 16 May 2009
"The New Art Gallery Little" opens renovated the premises and in the picture and begins its new location opening the door to Angelo Tassi, a painter of repute whose works are permanently exhibited in...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 01 January 1970
It opens April 16 at the premises of the New "La Piccola" Gallery, an exhibition dedicated to an emerging artist: Gianpaolo Pillinini, which offers us the image that reveals an informal basis, ranging...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 01 January 1970
It opens March 19 at 17:30 at the premises of the New Gallery "La Piccola", an exhibition entirely dedicated to the icon of Italian Pop Art: Mario Schifano.
The exhibition will highlight the artist'...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 30 November -1
In the cozy setting of the New Art Gallery "La Piccola" November 13 at 5:30 p.m. will open "The Art of 900".
A collection that will show the works of twenty-five distinguished artists, united in a ve...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 30 November -1
In the cozy setting of the New Art Gallery "Little" November 13 at 5:30 p.m. will open "The Art of 900".
A collection that will show the works of twenty-five distinguished artists, united in a very i...Read all