Marinella Paderni, curator of Lapsus announced the three winning projects, on 16 May during the exhibition opening at fsmgallery, Florence, Italy. First Prize € 1.000: Arkadia I, Victoria Ahrens Second Prize € 500: The Sicilian Family, Emilio Vavarella Third Prize € 500: Maria, Nathalie Dallies Special mention: Catturare l'Anima, Roberto Dapoto Kuonesa_Beyond Seeing, Cornelia Mittendorfer The 15 finalist projects, will be exhibited at fsmgallery from 16 May to 15 June 2013. The selection was curated by Elena Ceratti, Martin Breindl and Silvio Wolf: VIDEO Be aware, Giuglia Hymn to Xochiquetzal, Maria, Nathalie Dallies Penelope as a Verb, Cher Brown The sun set faster, Shira Liberty PHOTOGRAPHY Arkadia I, Victoria Ahrens Catturare l'Anima, Roberto Dapoto Cinema El Alihal, Gloria Oyarzabal Immenso, Karina Zen Kuonesa_Beyond Seeing, Cornelia Mittendorfer Lapsus Autoscatto, Elisabetta Roan Light Shapes, Michaela Talia Limberis Pratingphotography, Ilona Stanska Ruined Polaroids, William Miller The Sicilian Family, Emilio Vavarella Lapsus is an open call for photographic and video works, curated by the Italian art critic Marinella Paderni, and is organised by Fondazione Studio Marangoni and Celeste Network. Lapsus reflects on the ways in which works of art are created, especially in relation to new media, photography and video, which allow artists ever more technical and virtual perfection, at the risk of losing authenticity and uniqueness. History of art shows us that many works were born of accidental 'mistakes' which occurred during the execution of a project, the taking of a picture or the recording of a video; such slips or lapsus' often occur without the knowledge of the author, who can use them as a point of strength in the final work. This project also explores the idea of fate and destiny in relation to an artist and his or her artwork, dispelling the myth that a technological slip, error or failure can be determined or planned, instead elevating them to an aesthetic image that is a work of art. Theme What role does a random accident, a 'fortunate' error, a bizarre involuntariness or the failure of an idea, have in the success of a work of art? In the age of Photoshop and digital technology, what value does an 'error' have, that unplanned mistake that escapes the consciousness of the artist as he creates his work, but enriches and decrees its success? Lapsus investigates the positive and constructive values of an accidental photographic or video error, an un-sought-for error, that at the time of its occurrence decides the fate of a work or a project. The practice of 'errata' in photography and cinema is as old as their own invention: Man Ray used the neologism Fautographie to nickname the photographic error, while Diane Arbus stated that "... is important to make bad photographs." Zoe Leonard has dedicated to this concept a recent series of photographs (see series of 'Sun Photographs') which look directly at the sun, an 'error' that even newcomers to photography would not have stumbled on, but explained by the American artist as an attempt to photograph a subject impossible to portray. The historian of photography Clément Chéroux has written a book that examines the history of the photographic error in the development of photography. The project Lapsus takes into consideration all those photographic and video works in which an accident during their execution, a sudden and unintended erasure, an unexpected détournement during development of a work, or conversely, the research of an impossibility (as in the case of Zoe Leonard) lead to the success of a work of art. Results of 'Like' Lapsus draw on FB The following photographers who participated in the 'Like' Lapsus draw on Facebook receive a free entry to Celeste Prize 2013: Enrica Caula, Stefano Gizzi, William Goodwin, Luca Lupi and Yen-Ting Cho.
Comments 82
Buon fortuna tutti
Quando tra centinaia di lavori viene fatta una selezione così concentrata, ti aspetti venga fuori l'eccellenza, qualcosa o qualcuno da cui imparare..
Le mie aspettative attendono ancora l'eccellenza..
Non ti nascondo che anch’io avevo individuato altri lavori splendidi, in linea con il tema, e mi aspettavo di vederli fra i selezionati.
Che cosa dici di proporre allo staff, che ovviamente sta leggendo, di attivare un voto di preferenza online, dove solo i partecipanti al premio hanno diritto di giudizio? Anche senza premi in denaro, credo che sia un’opportunità di confronto.
Chissà, forse sceglieremmo, a maggioranza, gli stessi artisti selezionati dalla giuria, per errore…
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