MAD Rassegna d'arte contemporanea
Curator, Latina, Italy, joined 16 years ago
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 25 June 2011
The vernissage will take place Saturday, June 25 from 18:00 at the "Jolly Bar" in Latina,in Piazza della Libertà, 49. It will be accompanied by a food and wine tasting by "Casale del Giglio".
The pre...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 18 June 2011
The event, organized by Fabio D'Achille, takes place at the Benvenuti Gallery Showroom, Via Tarquinia, 3 / b, Latina. The works can be viewed from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00.
The great...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 10 June 2011
The event takes place at the Federlazio of Latina, in Piazza Mercato, 11 - Office hours.
(...) I am looking for the horizon of this urban civilization / the idea in the future be overexposed / lo...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 01 June 2011
The event, curated by Fabio D'Achille, takes place at the Tower Pontina, the 27 th floor, on Ufente, 20 - Latina, Lazio, Italy. SKYMAD will be open to the public until Sunday, June 26 by appointment 3...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 22 October 2010
Art exhibition collective with 17 young artists inside Tendashow in Latina:
Andreas Kris, Erasmo Berti, Giu Bocconcello, Monia Bravi, Dafne Capuccio, Dino Catalano, Emanuela Del Vescovo, Nazareno De...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 18 December 2009
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 29 November 2009
MAD-contemporary art exhibition curated by Fabio D'Achille, in collaboration with the Department of Culture back to exhibit in place institutional Palace of Culture with a complex artistic project.
I...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 30 October 2009
The next round of MAD, the contemporary art exhibition curated by Fabio D'Achille, will be at Cafe Friuli Marcello & Elisa Sette.
Friday, October 30th, 2009 at 18.30
We entertained by Ersilia Sarrec...Read all
News, Italy, Latina, 03 October 2009
At the 5th Day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI - as only in the territory of Latina and Frosinone were not promoted initiatives to support the Contemporary Art - with the cooperation of the new...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, Aprilia, 18 September 2009
Woody Riccardo Ridolfi
“Environment of feeling" by Federica Calandro
Saturday, September 19th, 2009 at 19,00
The exhibition "Environment of feeling" by Riccardo Ridolfi - Woody
Hall Manzù - Commun...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 27 August 2009
Friday 28
h:18.00 vernissage
"Along the river Ninfa" introduce the art historian Vincent Scozzarella and Fabio D'Achille (editor MAD) photographs: Loretta Isotton Video: Juri Fantigrossi
h:21.00 Mu...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 07 August 2009
MAD deals and characterizes some areas in the city of Florence. The summer wind brought the review on the move in the city of art par excellence with two exhibitions.
Recall that from 2005 MAD prom...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 02 August 2009
Sunday August 2 to 19, during the closing night of the exhibition "Earth Water Air Fire" in Villa Fogliano will be presented Catalog / Magazine review by Giorgio Agnisola and graphic design by Fabio D...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 01 August 2009
Saturday, August 1 at 18.30 meeting with the photographers MASSIMO MASTRORILLO, who says: "There are wars where no one speaks simply. Too few, despite the large numbers, people involved, few interests...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 16 July 2009
Thursday, July 16 at 19.00 start the "Combo images" Gabriele Maschio to BBeQ (former restaurant Zi Magdalene), a Capoportiere, Lido di Latina. A special event that offers MAD.
With this initiative, t...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 10 July 2009
MADolcevita with Paulina Slebodzinska and her paintings on display Friday 10 July 2009 with openings 19,00 in Florence in Piazza del Carmine in the exhibition space of DolceVita, curator Fabio D'Achil...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 19 June 2009
Il prossimo appuntamento di MAD, la Rassegna d’Arte contemporanea a cura di Fabio D’Achille, sarà al Caffè Friuli di Marcello&Elisa Sette.
Venerdì 19 giugno 2009 alle ore 19,00 ci intratterremo con...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Latina, 22 March 2009
“Da un'idea di Davide Intelligente su facebook”
Invadiamo le città per difenderle dalla decadenza.
Le nostre opere presidieranno ciò che non ha più un senso, ciò che in teoria dovrebbe essere asport...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Latina, 01 March 2009
MADphotoDonna “Obiettive – 15 donne tra arte, vita e fotografia” Sabaudia Area Espositiva Museo Emilio Greco 7 - 22 marzo 2009 a cura di Fabio D’Achille e Silvia Sfrecola Romani storica dell’arte. Ver...Read all