AIPsi Cultura (Associazione Italiana di Psicoanali
Institution, Roma, Italy, joined 14 years ago
Festivals, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 28 April 2018
The Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi) and the Monastery of Fonte Avellana organize the VI interdisciplinary conference: "The flowers of evil: conflict, destiny, necessity" 28/30 April 2018...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 29 April 2017
The Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi) and the Monastery of Fonte Avellana organize the V interdisciplinary conference, "Journey to the End of the Night: darkness, shadow, glow" from April...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 29 April 2017
Tiziana Cera Rosco: forgive me, forgive me, forgive me ...
Alessandra Cristiani: The angel
Maria Elena Pugliese: poetic Testaments
Rosy Rox: Please return to You
Francesca Tilio: DARK |...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Cagli, 24 August 2016
The work of art was born of necessity
Rainer Maria Rilke
Artistic creativity and lights along the spaces of infinite life in a way, the first graffiti to modern installations and performance artists...Read all
Lectures, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 02 June 2016
ery often ideas, words and experiences that have long been perceived as antithetical, alternative, oppositional, are on the contrary to be harmonious and balanced development of the complexity of huma...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 23 April 2016
The Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi) and the Monastery of Fonte Avellana organized the conference: "Desire caught by the tail: bliss, solitude, strength" to be held 23-24-25 April 2016 at...Read all
Lectures, Italy, Roma, 20 February 2016
8.30 Registration of participants
9:00 Presentation of the morning Virginia Giannotti
9.15 "The invisible is what is not currently visible but it might be:
Psychoanalysis and photography "...Read all
Lectures, Italy, Roma, 13 December 2015
The December 13, 2015 10.00 am /13.00 Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi) will host a meeting entitled "Inner Space / Outer Space Psychoanalysis and Architecture" Speakers: Sarah Marini, Pro...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Urbino, 30 May 2015
"The three healings. The body, the psyche, the spirit "is the 'interesting initiative, as part of the" intercultural routes ", to be held at the Monastery of Fonte Avellana (Pu) from May 30 to June 2...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 01 May 2015
The Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi), the International Association for Art and Psychology (IAAP) and the monastery of Fonte Avellana, present the interdisciplinary conference: "In the he...Read all
Lectures, Italy, Urbino, Cagli, 04 September 2014
September 4 h.18.30
Dr. Anouck Vecchietti Massacci, translator / University of Urbino "Translate: The transmigration of meaning beyond the linguistic border."
Ul great scholar and critic George...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Frontone, 01 August 2014
quattroartistialcastello / / Crostelli / Izzo / Tariello / Viparelli
Let it be fulfilled upon each impression and each germ of a feeling within himself,
in the dark, in the...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Caserta , Caserta, 15 March 2014
For Arterrima Contemporary House Gallery in Caserta : John Izzo " Four Rooms : south of the world"
On March 15 , 2014, at 18.30 , will be opened at Arterrima Contemporary House Gallery - Corso Triest...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 26 April 2019
The Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi) and the Monastery of Fonte Avellana with the patronage of the Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education-FiSSUF of the Univer...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Urbino, Serra Sant'Abbondio, 26 April 2019
The Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi) and the Monastery of Fonte Avellana with the patronage of the Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education-FiSSUF of the Univer...Read all
Lectures, Italy, Roma, 28 January 2018
Francesca Tilio guest of the Italian Association of Psychoanalysis to talk about "thinking by images", psychoanalysis and photography. With Ignazio Cannas, a trained psychoanalyst, and Matteo De Simon...Read all
Lectures, Italy, Roma, 13 December 2015
he December 13, 2015 10.00 am /13.00 Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi) will host a meeting entitled "Inner Space / Outer Space Psychoanalysis and Architecture" Speakers: Sarah Marini, Prof...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Urbino, 01 May 2015
The Italian Association of Psychoanalysis (AIPsi), the International Association for Art and Psychology (IAAP) and the monastery of Fonte Avellana, present the interdisciplinary conference: "In the...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Caserta , Capua, 23 November 2014
Matres // Matres
Venue: Museo Provinciale Campano in Capua
Via Roma. Pal. Antigrano Capua (CE)
November 23, 2014 Opening / Closing 02/12/2014
Vernissage: 11.23.2014 h.11.00
Artist: Giovanni Izz...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Caserta , Caserta, 14 October 2011
After the evening of 23 September, during which was presented to the public the program coordinator (the projection of film_documentario "Ageroland" Carlotta Cerquetti), the show officially starts Oct...Read all
Festivals, Italy, Caserta , Caserta, 20 September 2010
Since Sept. 24, for four months until December 2010, the SPACE OfCA Caserta becomes international observatory on urban dynamics. The space of Workshop Architects Cutillo Raffaele Cutillo, in fact, wil...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Cagli, 01 January 1970
The work of art was born of necessity
Rainer Maria Rilke
Artistic creativity and lights along the spaces of infinite life in a way, the first graffiti to modern installations and performance artists...Read all