Pittura, Astratto informale, Tecnica mista, 76.5x110x5cm
97 QuatreVingtDixSept is a mixed media on wood painting framed with 1,5cms battens. It belongs to the Project Fragments from which it has been selected a serie (for an itinerant exhibition) a called Re(e)volution (that is the title of the exhibition, too). The painting is a personal vision of what would have been the evolution that the abstract expressionism of the 50ies if it would have continued until today as an artistic movement.
Commenti 5
Sempre fanno piacere i feedback positivi, significa che si sta lavorando bene. :)
Un saluto,
Chema Senra
un beso my fuerte
tb tengo un video por aqui...
un abrazo der pablo
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