In my piece Future Labor, I represent disciplinary power, and the way it is applied as a normalizing agent through monitoring the environment of high school—an environment that is related to my personal experience. Disciplinary power carefully manipulates the individual’s position, posture, morphology and behavior, in order to create “docile bodies”. According to Foucault “The disciplines function increasingly as techniques for making useful individuals.” [1] These disciplines can be recognized as man-making mechanisms, to turn individuals into useful, easy to be controlled agents. Individuals are regarded as “human capital” to be produced, normalized and standardized. This disciplinary education leads to the reification of human beings.[2] The conflict between the results of one’s activities and human nature is increasingly prominent the longer the these productive standards are followed. Individuals need to correct themselves constantly in order to adapt to the disciplinary system, to form a self-regulatory, operating mechanical system, which ultimately achieves the objectification of the subject.
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