Fotografia Digitale, Politico/Sociale, Digitale, 1189x841cm
In my series of photo collages I am seeking to show the contrast between poverty and wealth. I combine and layer images from the ‘first’ and ‘third‘ world. Poverty in Africa is a well-publicized topic. Images of starvation and poor conditions are commonplace. However current 24 hour news coverage has in many respects lost its power (people are now desensitised to these images). My own photographs seek to combine those of the third and first world, so as to bring attention to the inequalities in place. This is a variation on the usual photographs and media coverage of poverty. My photos are ironic images designed to challenge our acceptance of poverty and incite empathy and understanding with the situations of others.The photography work ‘Can we get some water from the fountain?’ presents the White House as a symbol of USA power, wealth and capitalism. African women with empty water buckets demonstrate third world poverty and a lack of life sources. In many places in Africa access to water is extremely limited. To get to the water point people have to walk for miles.The presence of the fountain in front of the White House is starting to look like something unnecessary and wasteful.
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