in searching of ' Wisdom'
I inspired from
“TIBEB , one of the predominant word in Ethiopian language and life style has literally has 2 wax and gold meaning the wax is it is the most vibrant ,paternal and colorful Ethiopian traditional hand close of Ethiopia
Which is wear in special occasions like wedding, Ethiopian new year , Ethiopian epiphany funeral
Etc.. it is hand-made and so delicate
The gold “TIBEB” meaning wisdom or insight or deep knowledge of humanism With full of sympathy, love, scarification, values ,ethics and patriotism , devotion etc.. what makes human unique from others
Our emotional intelligence, our ability to adapt to environment our transformation of wisdom and knowledge our ability to cooperate and share etc…
In fact it is hand made ,the whole dress represent life started from pure cotton and has pass through 24 processes to become ready for out fit it is the best gift made with love for wives to their husband
Mother to their daughter and sons even it used for the one that we love dearly who wants to forgive
Represented by refine texture, colorful patterns, simple composition ideal proses represented ups and downs path that we call it life
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