Gesture With No Message
Gesture With No Message:
A spectrum analyzer visually depicts a sound piece as it plays.
Deserved Allure:
An electroacoustic sound piece consisting of a semi-instrumental sonic environment punctuated by percussive additions and intrusions is herein illustrated with a sequence of non-egomaniacal self-portraits.
Greyscale Excursion:
Pertinent excerpts from my fiction punctuated by appropriate shades of grey. A visualized reading that attempts to improve imagery by purifying light into colorless blurbs.
Illicit Mov(i)es:
A broadside on superfluous art exegeses voiced by an illegal game of checkers. A self-explanation whining about artworks that require explanation, this artwork ends extraneous discussion with extraneous moves.
What is the story:
A conceptual animation in which the protagonists create the movie by the act of discussing its creation. Beginning with only reflexive queries, this vision becomes a fulfilled entity by creating itself.
Settling Like Starlight:
A sound piece is seen being played by the music software in which it was created. Visible text illuminates the sound.
(Heard in Settling Like Starlight is a repeated percussive sound that suggests to me, even now, that something is inside my brain, tapping against my skull, trying to get out. And sometimes.…
It does.)
Dear Idea:
Ideas are the *dearest* things. In the temporal universe, they provide monadic entities with essential identity. Defined as existential essence, ideas are what’s left of us after we take ourselves away.
To deconstruct this removal, I inserted myself into the video that illustrates my sound piece. There you’ll find me, in face if not figure, along with other sonic identifiers and the holes they leave in the ether upon abandoning their time frame for a more raucous currency. To experience this electro-acoustic work consisting of animal, insect, and similar unnatural sounds along with electronic associations, you’ll encounter scenes with aural themes redolent of quasi-natural cries from animals that might have never lived and robotic voicings that seem part of the landscape instead of the speaking of its populace, a denouement of silence occurring when sound becomes a sight revealing that the ambience is ultimately human.
Inventing The Real:
The adventures of Willy Billy, the gingerbread boy, and Bonny Bunny, the rabbit babe: animated entities lose their innocence by creating racism, romance, and reality.
In this ostensibly cute cartoon that plies the border between precious and profound, the conceptual content creates an ambiguous sense of gravity wherein acute existential studies are generated by an endearing façade.
The Greatest Perversion:
A novel excerpt both recited and written in longhand by the author.
Flashes Of Crashed Passage:
I found this squirrel dead in the ditch in front of my house. Throughout my life, I have encountered thousands of squirrels, but only one dead. It may have been electrocuted by the power lines, but didn't smell like electricity.
I resurrect this creature's image in the name of Art.
I can tell you the sympathy I feel for this dead being of the Deity. Exactly as much sympathy as you feel for the chicken who died for your dinner, a creature that never lived one moment of true freedom, but was slaughtered only to fill your tummy and make you feel better after seeing a goddamned dead squirrel.
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