In The Face of Life

In The Face of Life

Fotografia Digitale, Religione, Pace, Amore, Figura umana, Digitale, 100x120x00cm
If thinking is forbidden for minority! And a woman in the foreground says no - why I hate? As little children you learn a lot of disorder. We come to the world as innocent - we become guilty if we can no longer distinguish - How many do you meet in the world such people. We form walls of hatred. The end is visible forms fronten - the yes Sayers and the no Sayers.
Only on this subject in my pictures, because of the cursing death in the Middle East. I started with some motifs - I try to escape from the subject, I paint male unconcerned. I meet a challenge, which I prepare. It is complicated - one must not think of such thoughts - I forbid myself to think openly, let alone to photograph or cut. I go back to work - because I paint out of a special awareness that is not accepted. 1% or against everything - I fight through - I try to creep around the topic - because I can not - how to see the pictures - what I mean is not hidden from shame - only because the truth speaks - The truth which brings every suffering for a man.
I divide the body into finished forms. Mostly has to be sprayed all over from digital. It calms me down. I find it good because of the inner struggle with the exterior - The suffering women scream in my mind - I know when a person needs help - Alone left for evil without a door latch to open - everything is lost and I give up. Suddenly I hear a voice speaking my name. I hear - and in hours I break my world into another. When women or suffering thinkers long for freedom - a lot happens in you - there are thousands of sufferers who I experienced very early - so my heart with them today, all women are also men who are also punished. I try to show a world of suffering - at the same time I am worried about the not-suffering people who do not know our world.
My pictures are mixed and go and talk with both groups - the happy and the unhappy ones who left us and lie in the surrounding cemeteries - or perhaps their remains are disappeared by the evil perpetrators. In addition there is an Arab world, which was rarely wars - there were many, but for the religion - not for freedom - but since the Ottoman Empire - the Arab world had no real wars / army - or they brought mercenaries (like it At the Abassien time) - army military in the sense of today we do not know - they have brought our children young people for wars, in wide countries - so only since the young generation of the 50's it began in some countries own soldiers / army ' S - still very young states - they never went in the right wars because they have no training - so the situation has been. They could not yet distinguish freedom or religion (so was until 1948). The Arabs have no power to defend themselves since the Turks entered. Only for 60 years - they were not left alone - are fought by religion because they are disbelievers.
In this torn state our spirit grows. No wonder we do not have any orientation or protection. Everyone tries to escape from this torn world according to his diligence - and so we experience poet writers and writers. The minorities in the Middle East are in despair - because they call the secular world - they are not there Are not just a minority, we almost do not exist - no protection even the secular states are in distress. The strictly religious leaders - the ignorant populations - are constantly in the courtroom solving the problems or murder. The truth between the ancient world of religions and the new secular world, which frees itself from the set of faith, whether you are Muslim or none. 60 years and the reactionary branch of the story insists on past mistakes. This is how my work is born. If I found a point of reconciliation. I stay with her and do new birth for all.
My works consists of many background symbols, like my poem Maghnoun Leila from 2014 in Arabic. How the love tears itself between life and death of the 7th century in the Arab world.
Butterfly as a symbol of fragility. The heart - and the fingers - experience my mother's wedding: she wore 10 candles on her 10 fingers when entering the space. The question how was the time / story that took place 100 years ago?
Suzan Hijab
Frankfurt 21.11.2016

Piace a 32

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Commenti 8

Suzan a1qq Hijab
8 anni fa
In arabic "Ana= I " Nas= People" and is it Ananas - lovly kombination
Suzan a1qq Hijab
8 anni fa
Our religion in 7th Center - it took our old cultures away. It thought it was a new culture - I look for our origins before - I did not find it - so we have to invent our primordial culture new.
Berit Bredahl Nielsen
8 anni fa
Dear Suzan, Such a strong statement - and all so true - if you are ever in Rome come and see me + husband and cat , I mean it !
big hug from Berit
8 anni fa
robolotion Artista
Interesting statement. Good luck with the contest!
Suzan a1qq Hijab
8 anni fa
Thanks for all
Suzan a1qq Hijab
8 anni fa
thanks much dear Medium
8 anni fa
good luck...!

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