Content-Aware #1

SUBJECT 01 – Pornographic images The following works have been made by using computer generated contents to fill partially some starting images. These pictures have been downloaded directly from the Internet and chosen from the Google research “porno”. This series relates poetically the arbitrariness of the generated content to the peculiarity of ordinary pornographic images. Pornographic representations, characterized by their strong content driven by their commercial purposes, exist to capture the spectator and to make him/her consume them fast. The object of desire / represented action often occupies a central position. Here the center is removed to make an ‘open image’ through the removal of the main subject. The centripetal collapsing of what is around / secondary / peripheral makes this unformal material a new ephemeral presence.

Content-Aware #1

SUBJECT 01 – Pornographic images The following works have been made by using computer generated contents to fill partially some starting images. These pictures have been downloaded directly from the Internet and chosen from the Google research “porno”. This series relates poetically the arbitrariness of the generated content to the peculiarity of ordinary pornographic images. Pornographic representations, characterized by their strong content driven by their commercial purposes, exist to capture the spectator and to make him/her consume them fast. The object of desire / represented action often occupies a central position. Here the center is removed to make an ‘open image’ through the removal of the main subject. The centripetal collapsing of what is around / secondary / peripheral makes this unformal material a new ephemeral presence.

Content-Aware #1

SUBJECT 01 – Pornographic images The following works have been made by using computer generated contents to fill partially some starting images. These pictures have been downloaded directly from the Internet and chosen from the Google research “porno”. This series relates poetically the arbitrariness of the generated content to the peculiarity of ordinary pornographic images. Pornographic representations, characterized by their strong content driven by their commercial purposes, exist to capture the spectator and to make him/her consume them fast. The object of desire / represented action often occupies a central position. Here the center is removed to make an ‘open image’ through the removal of the main subject. The centripetal collapsing of what is around / secondary / peripheral makes this unformal material a new ephemeral presence.

Content-Aware #1

SUBJECT 01 – Pornographic images The following works have been made by using computer generated contents to fill partially some starting images. These pictures have been downloaded directly from the Internet and chosen from the Google research “porno”. This series relates poetically the arbitrariness of the generated content to the peculiarity of ordinary pornographic images. Pornographic representations, characterized by their strong content driven by their commercial purposes, exist to capture the spectator and to make him/her consume them fast. The object of desire / represented action often occupies a central position. Here the center is removed to make an ‘open image’ through the removal of the main subject. The centripetal collapsing of what is around / secondary / peripheral makes this unformal material a new ephemeral presence.
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