Un lavoro sul Dolore.
Un Dolore che proviene da una storia vera.
Il dolore inflitto da un potere superiore, brutalmente inevitabile, inarginabile, disintegrante, deflagrante, innumerabile.
Questa è la specie di questo Dolore.
E'il lavoro più significativo e più toccante, tra i tanti presenti in questo sito; e in proposito, vorrei citare Oscar Wilde (nel suo "De profundis"): "Là dov'è il dolore, quel suolo è sacro"; credo siano queste le parole più appropriate a epigrafe dell'opera.
Con i miei Complimenti,
Giuseppe Teobaldelli Teo de Baldus Maceratensis
Grazie per le vostre parole!
Il video parteciperà all'evento EXTRALIGHT : VENERDI 1 OTTOBRE h18-23
@ Galleria TRAleVOLTE
Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10
00185 Roma
-He said he fired the second shot to prevent her from suffering
-The mayor declared a day of mourning
-He fired two shots into the head
-The court has refused the exhumation of body
-They child was not his
-The policeman remains in jail
-He got 3,71 milligrams of alcohol per liter in his blood
Ciao a tutti, grazie per il vostro interessamento.
Per favorire una migliore comprensione del video pubblico il testo scritto della voice over:
-Lawyers have requested the exhumation of body
-She had child from previous marriage
-Colleagues saw them out the shopping center few hours earlier and said they looked fine
-The court refused bail
-They seized ordinance gun
-Sooner or later they’ll tell it to her child
-He said she was trying to commit suicide and he shot by accident while disarming her
Commenti 26
Ringrazio anche il comitato di selezione che ha voluto premiare questo video.
Thanks for all your words, they r amazing.
Thanks also to selectors who have believed in this video.
in una parola: ARTE
Ghumbert di Cattolica
Con i miei Complimenti,
Giuseppe Teobaldelli Teo de Baldus Maceratensis
Il video parteciperà all'evento EXTRALIGHT : VENERDI 1 OTTOBRE h18-23
@ Galleria TRAleVOLTE
Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10
00185 Roma
Thanks all!
-The mayor declared a day of mourning
-He fired two shots into the head
-The court has refused the exhumation of body
-They child was not his
-The policeman remains in jail
-He got 3,71 milligrams of alcohol per liter in his blood
Per favorire una migliore comprensione del video pubblico il testo scritto della voice over:
-Lawyers have requested the exhumation of body
-She had child from previous marriage
-Colleagues saw them out the shopping center few hours earlier and said they looked fine
-The court refused bail
-They seized ordinance gun
-Sooner or later they’ll tell it to her child
-He said she was trying to commit suicide and he shot by accident while disarming her
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