
Paolo Greco was born in Catania (Italy) on the 23th July of 1958. After various years of academicexperiences and initiation, he was conducted in different cities, such as Bologna, Catania, andeven in other foreign countries, like Brazil. In the 90’s, he settled in Floridia, a town near Syracuse,where he actually lives and works. Autodidactic artist, he has developed a personal poetic stylethrough a long period of research, in which Art has begun a new condition of material and spiritualrenovation. After that, he started his career for game and passion, where his interpretation signedhis destiny that was lived to the life’s borders, along a psychological line between reality andfiction of an existential exasperation. This new art has conducted him to consider and redesign theexistence of a life characterized by many things that happened, in which regular and irregular, painand alienation, loneliness and rejection have subsequently represented an objective experience ofexperimentation, but also an artistic and symbolic manipulation. Moreover, there was variousaspects, such as Cinema, Culture On The Road, the influence of the vibrant 60’s with the “NewVanguard” of New Dada derivation and the Pop Art that conducted him to explore the relationshipbetween internal and external world. In addition, his untraditional means and ways in his practicalart with the materials inferred by the reality and the industry became his expression of a life livedand re-utilisation.
“My research aims to find a poetic sublimation of industrial waste, which are the solidresidues of the existence. This kind of material let us think deeply and they solicit us to think moreabout all their previous life, before they lead in the immobility of the simplicity of a piece of art. Inthis material, Paolo finds the expressive potential that interests him by choosing the specificquality of material that extend his artistic view. In fact, he does not invent anything because he truly thinks that “everything can become art” by reading and interpreting the Art in order toestablish a vital link with it”.
In conclusion, Paolo has participated to many arts exhibitions allaround the world, all organised in different places, such as government institutions, museums,civic galleries and also in private spaces or cultural centres.