Artista, Skopje, Macedonia, iscritto 10 anni fa
Sinisa Stefanovikj KASHAWELSKI
Born in 1969 in Kumanovo, Macedonia.
- Finished a College of Applied Arts in Skopje, Macedonia, where he also graduated at the Faculty of Fine Arts
- A member of DLUM (National Artists Society of Macedonia)
- An author of many individual projects and exhibitions
- Exhibited in many countries (Macedonia, France, Germany, USA, Bulgaria and Spain)
- Participant of many group exhibitions and projects in Macedonia and abroad
- The list of solo exhibitions:
2000 Bitola Macedonia
2002 Strumica Macedonia
2005 Kumanovo Macedonia
2007 Paris France
2011 Berlin Germany
2011 Gevgelija Macedonia
2013 Paris France
2013 New York USA
2014 Skopje Macedonia
2014 Sofia Bulgaria
- Awards:
1998 - "Konstantin Mazev‚‚ painting small format КИЦ Скопје
2012 - "Medaille de bronze ‚‚ Salon Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2013 - "Medaille d`argent,, Salon Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2014 - "Medaille d`or,, Salon Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2015 - "Medaille d`or,, Le Salon des Beaux Arts LOUVRE / Paris
2015 - "Dimitar Kondovski" DLUM (National Artist Society of Macedonia)
- Commissioned to do a number of paintings for one the museums in Skopje, Macedonia
- Commissioned to paint the ceiling of the National Theatre in Skopje Macedonia
- Lives and works as an independent artist in Kumanovo, Macedonia
. Many of my paintings have been sold all around the world, e.g. in countries as Australia, Canada, USA,Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia etc.
-My art is predominantly based around surrealism, finely knitted with motives
which come out from the reach Macedonian tradition. My works unite the
techniques of realism of the old masters coupled with surrealistic elements
structured around our past, present and future. Most of my works are done in
oil on canvas, however I do endeavour to use my skills in producing icons on
wood done in the very best traditional Byzantine style; something that is