My works are born from suggestions of travel and passionate love for beautiful women, "muses" with whom I traveled the world. In people, the modeling, classical art to join the romantic ideal, in a poetic representing "Woman as Dream". Mermaid, Goddess, Princess; "Architecture as symbol": of Rationalism and Metaphysics; "Man as individual": hero, archaeologist, traveler. Creations that go beyond the real, since, quoting Henry Moore, "... a little work and a monument can be monumental ... something insignificant", with a poetic linked to greek-Roman civilization, the Mediterranean culture, the tales of the Middle East myths and afro-Brazilians, in an overview of the conceptual opposite devoted to contemporary and modern figurative, inspired by the technique of the master Auguste Rodin, which emerges from the work area, with the signs of the hand of man. And looking with joy to the mosaics of Piazza Armerina, the rock paintings of the Sahara, the Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro and the Nike of Samothrace, I believe there is ... "A great future in our past." . Rio de Janeiro, dec. 2009 Knight Omar Salvagno