FLOW / Axe 231 - 3
FLOW / Axe 231 - 1FLOW / Axe Scroll 231


Much of my current work centres around the concept of FLOW. Movement in a continuous stream is one of the fundamental organizing principles of existence. It manifests itself in visual and material terms,...Read all
Added 11 years ago
Hence 1
Hence 2Hence 3Hence 4Hence 5


Added 11 years ago
Wharf 31


Close encounters
Added 11 years ago
Return 2


What goes around comes around
Added 11 years ago
Glory 1


Added 11 years ago
Go Gentle

Go Gentle

How shall we face up to our inevitable departure from what we know - as individuals, as cultures, as peoples, as the earth's most amazing, most flawed inhabitants? Entered for The End competition, this...Read all
Added 11 years ago

Sweet Track

Close encounters along the line of the Sweet Track. The track is now buried beneath layers of peat on the Somerset Levels. It is a remnant of the oldest constructed road in England - built in wood to traverse...Read all
Added 12 years ago
Cold 25
Cold 7Cold 5Cold 35Cold 8


Water hardens.
Added 12 years ago
Shudder 45
Shudder 30


Part of an ongoing project to create a kind of frozen choreography, as a way of portraying the expressive possibilities of the human body.
Added 12 years ago