MORE THAN EVER as the sky FALLS through five fingers 131
MORE THAN EVER Buffavento 106MORE THAN EVER Buffavento 38MORE THAN EVER Buffavento 41MORE THAN EVER Buffavento 30

M O R E T H A N E V E R Buffavento 2 0 1 4

M O R E T H A N E V E R Buffavento series 2 0 1 4 attempts to reveal, through photographic imagery and wall installation (avian/bird shadow trace) the representation of the Raven (corvidae) and its...Read all
Added 10 years ago
MORE THAN EVER a change of plan 4 (-85.5 metres)
'MORE THAN EVER a change of plan (salt plain 11)'MORE THAN EVER a change of plan (burnout 2)MORE THAN EVER a change of plan (salt plain 12)MORE THAN EVER a change of plan (burnout 1)

M O R E T H A N E V E R a change of plan 2 0 1 4

CONCEPTUAL OVERVIEW Artist Lynne Roberts-Goodwin in the 2014 M O R E T H A N E V E R photographic series which comprises three conceptually linked yet paradoxically, at times different series...Read all
Added 10 years ago