Alessandro Maio
Artist, Messina, Italy, joined 11 years ago
[...] the original painting Maio, we were to exclude the titles of the works , sometimes curiously unpredictable (as that Benedict XVI choice, solemn and enigmatic ) , is in another , the associate modularity swirling just exposed , undoubted abstract nature , such an architectural element marked by the thick three-dimensional (now a pillar , now piùricorrentemente , the conch of a lintel or a window frame ) , as its transparency ends up drastically reduce any purpose possibilitò realistic. What are those conches , they want to have that function with respect to the vortex behind the clouds , which already would have seemed able to get by on their own, without any other help ? Probably , to feel the direct words of the artist , they want to emphasize the basic process of creating abstract , the progressive overcoming of the material dimension in favor of the spiritual one, as if a door opened to show us the obligatory passage from one point to another . In front there is still no sign of the Earth , when behind , to dominate , there is only the sky lyrical imagination . It is up to us, if the proposed trip by Alessandro Di Maio tempts us , take flight.
Vittorio Sgarbi