Dysprosody is a syndrome usually attributed to the neurological damage, which is also known as a pseudo-foreign dialect. The idea of making this project was born when I had found the article "Disprosody or Altered 'Melody of Language' (1947), of Monrad-Krohn. This author has been in Portugal in 1950s and was portrayed by caricaturist Teixeira Cabral. I remember, when I was 16, one my distant relative, several weeks before she had died, began to speak in a strange form of language which nobody understood. Her pronunciation was like a foreign language with a strange rhythm and hight emotional intensity: that was a big Mistery... After reading this article, I`ve understood that it was Dysprosody... If we think through language and construction of language can have implications for the way we think, what does Dysprosody really mean? Listening to this mental ill was sensation which I`ll never forget....