Cornelia Klein
Artist, Firenze, Italy, joined 9 years ago
NETWORK Black Boat
The boat – as one of the most ancient means of transport – does not just possess functions that are real. My sculptures, with their single figures or groups of figures, speak of the bond between boats and the idea of freedom, travel, mobility, company, escape and hope.
From the Egyptians to Böcklin, boats have always been the symbol of travel and of the journey par excellence: that of life. Boats are found in almost all the religions to transport the soul and body from this world to the afterlife. They are a metaphor for movement that is not just physical, as it also speaks of change and mental mobility. Boats also express man’s desire for adventure, as the Odyssey reminds us. In the same way they speak of seeking a better life, of escape and survival. So they become a source of hope. On the contrary, with the shipwreck, they can also express failure. Another symbolic aspect is the strong bond created between those who have to stay together in a very limited space, whether they want to or not.
Like a new Noah’s Ark, the boat becomes the metaphor for a society that needs to be renewed.