Daniele Bianchi I do not know the work of this artist in depth but from the vision of his works I believe that we are faced with an equitable distribution between the image, the classicism of the figurative and the imaginative idea of ​​the surreal in its extravagant digressions. Daniele Bianchi has the mastery of the trait, the cleanness of the sign that leads him to varied and original artistic creatures, without ever failing to the sentimental force contained in them. A message that comes to us through the expression, captivating looks that conceal winking desires or arcane almost fearful mysteries, heroic figures also winged in support of human uncertainty. The game of life is present in these works ... uncertainty plays through those expressive faces that let us glimpse horizons to the most unknown. Appeals to forms of defense even without knowing the offense ... the human heritage afflicted by oppression that seeks hope in what, unfortunately, does not exist ... A force anchored in mythological tales, perhaps unreal but only imaginary visions ... these creatures live in the imagination of this young ideal emulation artist of J.R.Tolkien, giving life to a world longed for by too many where the right struggle goes to the impossible against evil. It is no coincidence, then, that even physical beauty predominate in the story, sealing the equation beauty-justice-skill, leaving the weight of negativity to the diffusion. I do not know if this artist has in this painting found its definitive location or if this is an experimental phase, of transition to arrive at forms of greater diffusion, but certainly I would say this young man has the basis for this path. with mastery up to much greater goals.