
The Tiziano Award is an international competition of contemporary art open to all artists that translate thoughts into images which "register" the intention of representing the "psychological reality" that affects the face and body (soma), the existential condition , the dynamics of emotions and feelings and patterns of relationships between men.
The purpose of the competition is to compare the works of artists with the art of perception encoded by the artists of the Renaissance, and in particular Tiziano was able to accomplish, thanks to its creative longevity, the path of transformation of conscious perception in the psychological perception, symbolic and archetypal.
For the artists of the Renaissance Art of Aphrodite has the 'divine power' to translate the emotions generated by eros (extrovert drive) and thanatos (drive introverted), in critical perception, rational and intellectual (conscious function).
This is done by proprioception of bodily feelings (Mars / Venus) and the development of consciousness report (Jupiter / Venus) capable of structuring the psychological perception of the dynamics of the relationship (Volcano / Venus) which project the artist's eye on the level of symbolic perception (Venus Urania) and archetypal (Venus Proserpina) of phenomena and events.
The award is aimed at artists Tiziano occurring in the psychological perception of emotional conflict experienced a personal or collective in the complaint that often transcends morality, ethical reflection and analysis of human behavior.
The "awareness" of psychological reality is the Work of Art of the Black Aphrodite is the artistic language "decomposition, integration, contrast, comparison, distinction, splitting, separation, filter, strainer, expansion, reversal and abstraction" images, and that is through "techniques" that highlight the Shadow present in every aspect of individual and collective psyche.