Empty Rooms

Empty Rooms

Live Media/Performance
"Empty Rooms" instances itself as an audio-visual self-organized performance space. The paradigm itself discloses a synesthetic approach between the “aural” and “visual” experiences. A Movie made of...Read all


by Abstract Birds
Live Media/Performance
Genesi is a live audiovisual show. It tells the life of an abstract organism from birth, through its various stages of development, until his death. The thematic of the show is life as ordering...Read all
Synaesthetic Object (Coltrane)

Synaesthetic Object (Coltrane)

by R. Luke DuBois
Live Media/Performance
Synaesthetic Object (Coltrane) is a live audio-visual performance that uses computer analysis of John Coltrane's Ascension (1965) as the basis for a real-time 3D rendering of a shape. The performer manipulates...Read all
chance machine

chance machine

by Olga Mink
Live Media/Performance
Chance machine reflects the world we live in and the ever-increasing technologies that incorporate daily life. The idea of chance machine (flirtmachine) is to bring social network ‘friending’ into rea...Read all


by Teatrino Elettrico
Live Media/Performance
Live-media ‘stricto sensu’, where the term live excludes the sampling in the meaning of the digging up of events recorded in the past and revived in the present. By amplification, distortion, enlargement and...Read all