by Stefano Bullo
Painting & Graphics
Considering the constant flow of images, a distinctive mark of the media influenced society, the human eye finds it hard to catch pictures of reality that can settle in our memory for more than a handful...Read all
multiquadro a due tasselli

multiquadro a due tasselli

by camilla franzoni
Painting & Graphics
Freely inspired by the Italian artistic expressions of the Sixties, the so-called arte cinetico-programmata, the artist's latest research gives birth to the “multiquadro”: a frame where a variable num...Read all
highlight 2

highlight 2

by Gabriele Colletto
Painting & Graphics
Waiting for the Apocalypse

Waiting for the Apocalypse

by Tibor Pogonyi
Painting & Graphics
The series "Waiting for the Apocalypse" was inspired of two works by Peter Paul Rubens "The Last Judgement" and "Fall of the Damned". Some veiled people hanging in the air, on the verge of revelation....Read all


by Melissa Provezza
Painting & Graphics
The work is composed of two layers of canvas paintings, one overlapping the other. The image painted on first canvas continuing on the second, whose visibility is limited by a cut made on the first layer. It’s p...Read all
Hospital, main façade (east)

Hospital, main façade (east)

Photo / Digital Graphics
Inkjet print face mounted on plexiglass, edition of 5, 122 x 108 cm, 2013.


by Veronica Bonini
Photo / Digital Graphics


by Luca Broglia
Photo / Digital Graphics
Visions, mental escapes towards sacredness and archaism, the evocation of transcendent values to enrich an otherwise too poor and arid reality, to rediscover the mythical roots of life within the cult...Read all
Buddywolf, Rotterdam

Buddywolf, Rotterdam

by Carmen Dobre
Photo / Digital Graphics
The furry community is generally based on the idea of having a connection of identification with one or more anthropomorphic animals of choice (called fursonas). The fursonas are a mix of animal and human...Read all


by Simon Mulvaney
Photo / Digital Graphics
Suspended between birth and death the shadow of our mortality is ever present. From an ongoing project exploring life and death. I chose to represent the void with a man made pool because nothingness or...Read all


by Alix Delmas
Video / Animation
Alix Delmas CLOUD Loop, 2012 / 2013 Courtesy the artiste © adagp alix delmas Above clouds, several plates of weld wire mesh are handing from a crane's hook. We can hear waves and wind coming to ...Read all


by shahar marcus
Video / Animation
The work “Seeds” explores the phenomenon of the buried mines that exist in Israel and the world over, exposing how these areas still carry the consequence of the war within their soil while supporting the...Read all
He told me that his garden...

He told me that his garden...

Video / Animation
Nathalie Joffre He told me that his garden… HD video triptych. 9’30’’ An empirical exploration of a photographic archive from Bethlem Royal Hospital, Europe's oldest institution for mental illness...Read all
Yoshiko, Xianglán is I

Yoshiko, Xianglán is I

by Kenichi Sawazaki
Video / Animation
In this work, two videos works are united. One is that the artist sings a song Soshu yakyoku, which was sang in the Japanese old film Shina no yoru(1940) by Li Xianglan. And the other shows that the artist...Read all
Rendre à César

Rendre à César

by duranté sébastien
Video / Animation
This video was inspired by the discovery of the bust of César, which was found in a river in Arles in 2007. I carved my self-portrait from marble of Carrar, that looked like the bust of the emperor, ...Read all
Buried at home

Buried at home

by Elisabetta Falanga
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Without navigating away, I have torn the boundaries of my house, with a series of works close neighbors to the negation and the endurance of certain events. In "Buried House" the bedroom of my brother,...Read all
Silent Headbanging In The Desert

Silent Headbanging In The Desert

by Marita Fox
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Excerpts from SILENT HEADBANGING IN THE DESERT Live Performance and Series of Performance Videos Marita Fox, 2013 Video Editing by Alice Pozzoli Live Performance for Venice International Performance...Read all
Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

by Boohri Park
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Yesterday it rained a lot. So I had to walk around all day with an umbrella. When I came back home I hung the umbrella on the wall right next to the door and I went to bed. I heard raindrops falling...Read all
DIY Chivalry

DIY Chivalry

by Ana Prvacki
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
In the performance Do It Yourself Chivalry, the artist takes off her clothes one by one in order to surmount a series of virtual and symbolic obstacles. In this impeccable choreography, the artist introduces...Read all
Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

by alona rodeh
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Alona Rodeh, Above and Beyond, 2013 Installation view at CCA Tel Aviv Cardboard, natural vegetation, OSB sheets, projections, artificial fog, sound; Dimensions Variable; Original Score: Yoni Silver,...Read all