Winds of Change

Winds of Change

by Ross Bisbee
Painting & Graphics
"Winds of Change" is an intricate abstract painting that was created with black oil-based paint upon a primed and cradled panel. Like most of my other works, this piece started out relatively unplanned,...Read all
highlight 2

highlight 2

by Gabriele Colletto
Painting & Graphics


by Alice Padovani
Painting & Graphics
This beast is no more. Extinct. Disappeared, over, kicked, eaten. Lost forever. There are only a few pieces, attempts of memory, a strenuous search for images of small body parts. A compendium of fingerprints,...Read all


by Candice Smith Corby
Painting & Graphics
The invented fort structure implies a place where one can hide within and hide from troubles lurking beyond. This safe haven holds our own memories, dreams, or desires
Artificial Limb

Artificial Limb

by Evalie Wagner
Painting & Graphics
The rise of technology equips animals with prosthetic legs, beaks or artificial tail fins. Those artficial limbs help creatures to get over their physical ailments. Hybrid aesthetic in the field of tension...Read all


by Luca Broglia
Photo / Digital Graphics
Visions, mental escapes towards sacredness and archaism, the evocation of transcendent values to enrich an otherwise too poor and arid reality, to rediscover the mythical roots of life within the cult...Read all
The End

The End

by Miranda Kalefi
Photo / Digital Graphics
Scaffolds and Screens

Scaffolds and Screens

by Katharina Kiebacher
Photo / Digital Graphics
1 B/W - Print, framed, 55 x 83 cm 1 C-Print, unframed, 13 x 18 cm Edition 3+2 AP Scaffolds and Screens is an investigation into patterns based on two different types of images: one related to form,...Read all
Scaffolds and Screens

Scaffolds and Screens

by Katharina Kiebacher
Photo / Digital Graphics
2 C-Prints, unframed, 150 x 100 cm 1 B/W - Print, framed, 30 x 38 cm Edition 3+2 AP Scaffolds and Screens is an investigation into patterns based on two different types of images: one related to form,...Read all
Estudio sobre Minerva (Study of Minerva)

Estudio sobre Minerva (Study of Minerva)

by May San Alberto
Photo / Digital Graphics
Artemisias is a project that reinterprets some works of the baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi in order to serve as a reflective metaphor about the strength of women to overcome everyday in any civilization...Read all


by Ai Di Ti
Video / Animation
An imaginary journey through fantasy landscapes and iconographic metaphors turn out to be an escape from everyday life, where little man works in a weird Factory Men .
Gray Noon

Gray Noon

by Rimma Arslanov
Video / Animation
The core of this animation revolves around a creation of a fantastic world with its own set of rules and codes. It is a small autonomic universe containing diverse figures, characters and other elements,...Read all


by Valentina Ferrandes
Video / Animation
BERG HD Video - 2011 - 11'53" Teufelsberg is a man-made hill in the outskirts of Berlin. It was built by the American Allies with the rubble of the city destroyed by World War 2, in the 20 years that...Read all
He told me that his garden...

He told me that his garden...

Video / Animation
Nathalie Joffre He told me that his garden… HD video triptych. 9’30’’ An empirical exploration of a photographic archive from Bethlem Royal Hospital, Europe's oldest institution for mental illness...Read all
Yoshiko, Xianglán is I

Yoshiko, Xianglán is I

by Kenichi Sawazaki
Video / Animation
In this work, two videos works are united. One is that the artist sings a song Soshu yakyoku, which was sang in the Japanese old film Shina no yoru(1940) by Li Xianglan. And the other shows that the artist...Read all
Steam Machine

Steam Machine

by Maja Bajevic
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Steam Machine Social and political turmoil over the last hundred years is represented by slogans floating on clouds of steam. Walter Benjamin said: “The real image of the past moves on fleetingly.” Slo...Read all
Buried at home

Buried at home

by Elisabetta Falanga
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Without navigating away, I have torn the boundaries of my house, with a series of works close neighbors to the negation and the endurance of certain events. In "Buried House" the bedroom of my brother,...Read all
White Noise

White Noise

Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Joint project between Felix Weinold and LAB BINÆR. Even today, in an age of digital music files, many audiophiles still swear by their classic record player for listening to music. The exhibit »White N...Read all
Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

by Boohri Park
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Yesterday it rained a lot. So I had to walk around all day with an umbrella. When I came back home I hung the umbrella on the wall right next to the door and I went to bed. I heard raindrops falling...Read all


by Evangelia Spiliopoulou
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Thermohygrograph2 examines the interaction of humans and technical environment through measuring, tracing and recording. The installation maintains a particular relation to the concept of time as a human...Read all