Steam Machine

Steam Machine

by Maja Bajevic
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Steam Machine Social and political turmoil over the last hundred years is represented by slogans floating on clouds of steam. Walter Benjamin said: “The real image of the past moves on fleetingly.” Slo...Read all


barak ami


FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Christian Fuller Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine mihnea mircan Iara Boubnova Katrina Brown


by shahar marcus
Video / Animation
The work “Seeds” explores the phenomenon of the buried mines that exist in Israel and the world over, exposing how these areas still carry the consequence of the war within their soil while supporting the...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine mihnea mircan Iara Boubnova Ian Alden Russell Gean Moreno FRAC Champagne-Ardenne


by Valentina Ferrandes
Video / Animation
BERG HD Video - 2011 - 11'53" Teufelsberg is a man-made hill in the outskirts of Berlin. It was built by the American Allies with the rubble of the city destroyed by World War 2, in the 20 years that...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Christian Fuller Dominique Fontaine Iara Boubnova Gean Moreno Verna Gaetane
Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

by alona rodeh
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Alona Rodeh, Above and Beyond, 2013 Installation view at CCA Tel Aviv Cardboard, natural vegetation, OSB sheets, projections, artificial fog, sound; Dimensions Variable; Original Score: Yoni Silver,...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine Verna Gaetane Ian Alden Russell FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Katrina Brown


by Vasco Araújo
Video / Animation
Impero, 2010 Video 16/9 Duration: 17’39’’ Actress: Mónica Calle Voices by: Mónica Calle; Massimo Angeloni; Anna Bernardi; Valeria Pola. Text: André e. Teodósio Variable dimensions Courtesy: Galeria B...Read all


barak ami


FRAC Champagne-Ardenne mihnea mircan Verna Gaetane Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Katrina Brown


by Evangelia Spiliopoulou
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Thermohygrograph2 examines the interaction of humans and technical environment through measuring, tracing and recording. The installation maintains a particular relation to the concept of time as a human...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo mihnea mircan Iara Boubnova Alia  Swastika
Sand Process

Sand Process

by hriech chourouk
Painting & Graphics
Painting, Landscape, Ink, Paper, 220x120cm, 2012 My drawings are trying to explore times of passages from one world to another. Their starting points are architecture and city, urban environment...Read all


barak ami


FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Verna Gaetane Gean Moreno Katrina Brown
Buddywolf, Rotterdam

Buddywolf, Rotterdam

by Carmen Dobre
Photo / Digital Graphics
The furry community is generally based on the idea of having a connection of identification with one or more anthropomorphic animals of choice (called fursonas). The fursonas are a mix of animal and human...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Ian Alden Russell FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Katrina Brown
i feel nothing

i feel nothing

by jumana emil abboud
Video / Animation
My project began as a multi-faceted investigation into the sense of touch: lack of feeling, the relationship between the body and memory; between land and it's "spiritual" history, superstitions, old wives'...Read all


barak ami


mihnea mircan Verna Gaetane FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Katrina Brown
Buried at home

Buried at home

by Elisabetta Falanga
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Without navigating away, I have torn the boundaries of my house, with a series of works close neighbors to the negation and the endurance of certain events. In "Buried House" the bedroom of my brother,...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller mihnea mircan Ian Alden Russell Alia  Swastika
He told me that his garden...

He told me that his garden...

Video / Animation
Nathalie Joffre He told me that his garden… HD video triptych. 9’30’’ An empirical exploration of a photographic archive from Bethlem Royal Hospital, Europe's oldest institution for mental illness...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Dominique Fontaine Ian Alden Russell Alia  Swastika
Chain of Command

Chain of Command

by Josee Pedneault
Photo / Digital Graphics
THE NEW GODS Every year Carillo Puerto, a small village isolated in the mountains of southern Mexico, becomes the set of an unusual celebration. The village has developed through the years its own unique...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo mihnea mircan Iara Boubnova Verna Gaetane
Estudio sobre Minerva (Study of Minerva)

Estudio sobre Minerva (Study of Minerva)

by May San Alberto
Photo / Digital Graphics
Artemisias is a project that reinterprets some works of the baroque painter Artemisia Gentileschi in order to serve as a reflective metaphor about the strength of women to overcome everyday in any civilization...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller mihnea mircan Gean Moreno Alia  Swastika
Yoshiko, Xianglán is I

Yoshiko, Xianglán is I

by Kenichi Sawazaki
Video / Animation
In this work, two videos works are united. One is that the artist sings a song Soshu yakyoku, which was sang in the Japanese old film Shina no yoru(1940) by Li Xianglan. And the other shows that the artist...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Ian Alden Russell Gean Moreno Verna Gaetane


by Candice Smith Corby
Painting & Graphics
The invented fort structure implies a place where one can hide within and hide from troubles lurking beyond. This safe haven holds our own memories, dreams, or desires


barak ami


Christian Fuller mihnea mircan Iara Boubnova Gean Moreno
Guarding the boarder

Guarding the boarder

by Pavol Truben
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
The object is directly inspired by the boat Volvo Penta GSB 066. It is constructed at a scale of 1:3. This model, also dubbed the „pike“, was used for guarding the river on parts of the border in the soc...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine Verna Gaetane Alia  Swastika
Leaving Utopia - Billboard 2

Leaving Utopia - Billboard 2

by Nikolas Ventourakis
Photo / Digital Graphics
The project “Leaving Utopia” deals with contemporary social issues by focusing on the seemingly mundane. Having as a starting point the belief that when a situation is too complicated, it is the most unr...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine Verna Gaetane Gean Moreno
Bicinecleta (Bicinema)

Bicinecleta (Bicinema)

by Basurama
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Traditionally the urban character of the cities has been defined by the laws and regulations, which are not always or almost never respond to the needs of citizens, let alone to their wishes. This was...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine Gean Moreno


by Stefano Bullo
Painting & Graphics
Considering the constant flow of images, a distinctive mark of the media influenced society, the human eye finds it hard to catch pictures of reality that can settle in our memory for more than a handful...Read all


barak ami


Iara Boubnova Verna Gaetane Ian Alden Russell


by Alix Delmas
Video / Animation
Alix Delmas CLOUD Loop, 2012 / 2013 Courtesy the artiste © adagp alix delmas Above clouds, several plates of weld wire mesh are handing from a crane's hook. We can hear waves and wind coming to ...Read all


barak ami


Ian Alden Russell Gean Moreno Katrina Brown
Scaffolds and Screens

Scaffolds and Screens

by Katharina Kiebacher
Photo / Digital Graphics
2 C-Prints, unframed, 150 x 100 cm 1 B/W - Print, framed, 30 x 38 cm Edition 3+2 AP Scaffolds and Screens is an investigation into patterns based on two different types of images: one related to form,...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Verna Gaetane FRAC Champagne-Ardenne
Scaffolds and Screens

Scaffolds and Screens

by Katharina Kiebacher
Photo / Digital Graphics
1 B/W - Print, framed, 55 x 83 cm 1 C-Print, unframed, 13 x 18 cm Edition 3+2 AP Scaffolds and Screens is an investigation into patterns based on two different types of images: one related to form,...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Alia  Swastika


by Dan McCormack
Photo / Digital Graphics
Pinhole camera portrait of Ruby nude at home in Highland, NY.


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Katrina Brown


by Simon Mulvaney
Photo / Digital Graphics
Suspended between birth and death the shadow of our mortality is ever present. From an ongoing project exploring life and death. I chose to represent the void with a man made pool because nothingness or...Read all


barak ami


Ian Alden Russell Gean Moreno Alia  Swastika
Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

by Boohri Park
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Yesterday it rained a lot. So I had to walk around all day with an umbrella. When I came back home I hung the umbrella on the wall right next to the door and I went to bed. I heard raindrops falling...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Ian Alden Russell Gean Moreno
One day reality

One day reality

by Catalin Petrisor
Painting & Graphics
One Day Reality, 2013, oil and graphite on canvas, 30 x 42 cm. This painting is based on a photograph I took of a print on paper with an image of a butterfly. The printed paper is cut on the butterfly's...Read all


barak ami


FRAC Champagne-Ardenne mihnea mircan Katrina Brown
Waiting for the Apocalypse

Waiting for the Apocalypse

by Tibor Pogonyi
Painting & Graphics
The series "Waiting for the Apocalypse" was inspired of two works by Peter Paul Rubens "The Last Judgement" and "Fall of the Damned". Some veiled people hanging in the air, on the verge of revelation....Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Ian Alden Russell Katrina Brown
Rendre à César

Rendre à César

by duranté sébastien
Video / Animation
This video was inspired by the discovery of the bust of César, which was found in a river in Arles in 2007. I carved my self-portrait from marble of Carrar, that looked like the bust of the emperor, ...Read all


barak ami


Iara Boubnova Ian Alden Russell Alia  Swastika
Billboard I

Billboard I

by Tomas Tichy
Painting & Graphics
The painting "Billboard I" raises questions about originality in art, and on the other hand it is my own try to define my own place (as a painter) in global visual society. In the foreground, you can...Read all


barak ami


Dominique Fontaine Iara Boubnova Verna Gaetane
Gray Noon

Gray Noon

by Rimma Arslanov
Video / Animation
The core of this animation revolves around a creation of a fantastic world with its own set of rules and codes. It is a small autonomic universe containing diverse figures, characters and other elements,...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Alia  Swastika
Untitled (Congress series)

Untitled (Congress series)

Painting & Graphics
This painting belongs to a series focused on a particular event, no matter which or where, just a Congress. Nevertheless, this is only a starting point. Almost all historical and political references are,...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Alia  Swastika


by Alix Delmas
Photo / Digital Graphics
Photographie, 120x80, 2011 Courtesy the artiste © adagp alix delmas Alix Delmas' “Lalala” is definitely a spectacular drama. Many layers are shown : the background green hills of Auvergne framing a su...Read all


barak ami


FRAC Champagne-Ardenne mihnea mircan
black painting - white painting

black painting - white painting

by Johanna Strobel
Painting & Graphics
Johanna Strobel, black painting - white painting, 2013, oil on canvas, each 180 x 165 cm, Black contains all colors - everything arises from black to lose itself in white (Louis Bertrand Castel). In...Read all


barak ami


Gean Moreno Katrina Brown