Steam Machine

Steam Machine

by Maja Bajevic
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Steam Machine Social and political turmoil over the last hundred years is represented by slogans floating on clouds of steam. Walter Benjamin said: “The real image of the past moves on fleetingly.” Slo...Read all


barak ami


FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Christian Fuller Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine mihnea mircan Iara Boubnova Katrina Brown
Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

by alona rodeh
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Alona Rodeh, Above and Beyond, 2013 Installation view at CCA Tel Aviv Cardboard, natural vegetation, OSB sheets, projections, artificial fog, sound; Dimensions Variable; Original Score: Yoni Silver,...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine Verna Gaetane Ian Alden Russell FRAC Champagne-Ardenne Katrina Brown


by Evangelia Spiliopoulou
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Thermohygrograph2 examines the interaction of humans and technical environment through measuring, tracing and recording. The installation maintains a particular relation to the concept of time as a human...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo mihnea mircan Iara Boubnova Alia  Swastika
Buried at home

Buried at home

by Elisabetta Falanga
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Without navigating away, I have torn the boundaries of my house, with a series of works close neighbors to the negation and the endurance of certain events. In "Buried House" the bedroom of my brother,...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller mihnea mircan Ian Alden Russell Alia  Swastika
Guarding the boarder

Guarding the boarder

by Pavol Truben
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
The object is directly inspired by the boat Volvo Penta GSB 066. It is constructed at a scale of 1:3. This model, also dubbed the „pike“, was used for guarding the river on parts of the border in the soc...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine Verna Gaetane Alia  Swastika
Bicinecleta (Bicinema)

Bicinecleta (Bicinema)

by Basurama
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Traditionally the urban character of the cities has been defined by the laws and regulations, which are not always or almost never respond to the needs of citizens, let alone to their wishes. This was...Read all


barak ami


Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Dominique Fontaine Gean Moreno
Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

Gestern hat es viel geregnet (Yesterday it rained a lot)

by Boohri Park
Installation / Sculpture / Live Media / Performance
Yesterday it rained a lot. So I had to walk around all day with an umbrella. When I came back home I hung the umbrella on the wall right next to the door and I went to bed. I heard raindrops falling...Read all


barak ami


Christian Fuller Ian Alden Russell Gean Moreno