7 Artists

7 Artists

by dalia baassiri
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
While my 6 fellow artists were occupied with making their own artworks in their studios, I was gathering their dust and projects residues. During a 2 months residency at Sculpture Space in Utica NY sponsored...Read all
Photogrammetry of the Loom

Photogrammetry of the Loom

by Loyane Bianchini
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
A modular structure in black metal, prints in a poly film of the loom photogrammetry and a sound of the knitting process.


by Anna Brownsted
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
Diplomat is a digital installation of 100 short films programmed to continuously cycle through a random playing order. The individually numbered films are edited from a single-take shot of the artist...Read all
A Home to Dream Of

A Home to Dream Of

by Nihat Karatasli
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
A Home to Dream of, 2016 4-Channel Video Installation Video Durations : 1m ~ infinite loop A HOME TO DREAM OF is a 4-channel video installation exposing the concept of safety and home as a mirage...Read all
Infinity Studies - Monotony

Infinity Studies - Monotony

by Kevin Killen
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
As an observer, there is something fascinating in repetitive actions. Time and motion studies, as investigated by Frederick Winslow Taylor (time) and Frank and Lilian Gilbreth (motion) document the time...Read all
Long Jump

Long Jump

by M. Lohrum
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
Long Jump is inspired by the uncertain nature of both our social/political context (in the globalized neoliberal era) and artistic creation. This work is a performative drawing where graphite powder is...Read all
Zero Gravity

Zero Gravity

by Nadja Verena Marcin
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
Stones for Dancing, Stones for Dying

Stones for Dancing, Stones for Dying

by Kate McMillan
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
Bronze, wood, acrylic paint, string, glass, plaster
Seventh Heaven

Seventh Heaven

by Maya Shimony
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
In Seventh Heaven, gold leaf and paintings are used to transform the space of the gallery. By gilding the floor of the gallery – an act that is as simple as it is absurd – the space is expropriated fro...Read all
UV Islands I, II, & III (Hips, Torso, Chest)

UV Islands I, II, & III (Hips, Torso, Chest)

by Samuel Walker
Installation, Sculpture & Performance
The image is a 3D render of a work not yet in production. The sculptural installation will be a vacuum-formed ABS plastic sheet cast from a 3D model. The plastic sheet is UV printed with a high resolution...Read all