Andrea Bianconi creates ROMANCE, a video that illustrate a segment of his stream of consciousness. The video incorporates several images revealing a representation of his thoughts as they appear in the...Read all
The choice of a self-destructive act or its undoing, takes less than a quarter of a second in absolute time and leads to a crucial turning point in the making or unmaking of a desire. The link that interconnects...Read all
"With the animated short The Golden Fish, realized for, loosely based on a tale by the Grimm Brothers, I explored the theme of decline. The protagonists of the short are two poverty-stricken sisters...Read all
I have asked my partner to keep his beard long for four month. I did the same. We inter-wined our beards together in an attempt to became a unique body. It refers to “Relation in time” by Marina Abramovic and...Read all
The protagonist of “Dust” is a young woman we met for the first time when she jump off a train in an anonymous station; the scene and the setting assumes a timeless quality through the employment of the...Read all