Ernesto Jorge Ferriol Perez
Seer showing the wonders of the world to a blind child.
Acquarello, 55x70x1cm
€ 1500
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Drawing has always been a great ally for me. An instrument to question reality, a form of meditation, a magic game. In this work, two opposites merge in a poetic scene. The seer capable of seeing anything. Hidden worlds and...leggi tutto
Drawing has always been a great ally for me. An instrument to question reality, a form of meditation, a magic game. In this work, two opposites merge in a poetic scene. The seer capable of seeing anything. Hidden worlds and distant worlds, and on the other hand, the blind child, who is forbidden to enjoy the beauties of creation. There is a biblical echo in this image: the days are coming when the lame will walk, the mute will speak and the blind will regain their sight. This piece is framed.
Se acquisti questa opera e al ricevimento non sei soddisfatto, Celeste Network ti rimborserà il costo dell’opera. Hai 10 giorni dal momento in cui ricevi l’opera per cambiare idea ed organizzare la spedizione di ritorno.
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Le opere d'arte sono avvolte in bolle e spedite in modo sicuro in una scatola di cartone pesante. Spedito...leggi tutto
Le opere d'arte sono avvolte in bolle e spedite in modo sicuro in una scatola di cartone pesante. Spedito entro 2 giorni lavorativi. Il venditore ha scelto di utilizzare i servizi di spedizione EMS.
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Acquarello, Fantasia / Visionario, 55x70x1cm