'Bop Decameron -  a tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio'
Submissions from 5 April to 27 May 2013
Entry is free, one work per artist

Art. 1 - Works
Artwork on the proposed theme can be submitted in photography or video, accompanied by a specific statement in writing. Artwork and the statement are uploaded directly from a personal account in Celeste Network. Works will be published immediately and visible onsite in a special area called 'Bop Decameron - a tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio '.

Art. 2 - Participation
Bop Decameron is an international call, open to anyone wishing to participate regardless of age, profession, gender, either individually or as an artist group. All participants are required to sign-up in Celeste Network website from where works will be uploaded.

Art. 3 - Deadline
The last date and time for publication online of works to 'Bop Decameron – a tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio' is set for Monday 27 May, midnight Italian time.

Art. 4 – Entry
Joining is free, there is no entry fee. Each photographer and videoartist can submit only work that will be inserted and displayed in the Celeste Network www.celesteprize.com/bopdecamerongiovanniboccaccio
To enter a work: sign-up in Celeste Network or loginto your personal admin page; click on the box 'Bop Decameron' and add the image and text you wish to submit; then click on ‘confirm’ to publish online.

Art. 5 - Selections
The selection of 10 works that will participate in the exhibition 'Bop Decameron – a tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio'  and donated to the city of Certaldo will be announced online by 31 May 2013. The selection will be conducted by a jury led by Marco Bazzini, Artistic Director of the Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy. Further to the 10 selected works, the jury reserves the right to grant ‘special mentions’ to additional works. Those works with a ‘special mention’ will not be invited to exhibit, but can be donated to the city of Certaldo if the artists choose to do so.

Art. 6 - Production of works and transport
Selected artists invited to exhibit at the Palazzo Pretorio, Certaldo, will have transport costs of their work covered by the Organisers. Each artist will have to cover his or her personal travel and accomodation costs to and from the exhibition.

Art. 7 - Exhibition
The exhibition of 10 selected works will take place in Palazzo Pretorio, Certaldo (Florence), Italy, from 11 July to 1 September 2013, under the curatorial direction of Marco Bazzini, Artistic Director of the Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy. Alongside the exhibition Bop Decameron, Marco Bazzini will invite a group of renowned international artists to exhibit works on the same theme.

Art. 8 - Donation
In agreeing to these Terms & Conditions artists accept, if the work is selected, the bond to donate it to the city of Certaldo, which is committed to conserving it, guarding it, promoting it in future years through exhibitions and other initiatives of a cultural nature organised by the city of Certaldo, as well as any activities related to the public art collection ‘A tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio.’ Labelling of the work at any public exhibition of the work will be accompanied by the words: ‘Gift by the artist.’ Selected artists give the city of Certaldo the right to reproduce the image of the selected work in publications, videos, postcards and any other cultural activity  in which it engages whether institutional or promotional, without any claims from the artist concerned. At the time of submission to Bop Decameron the artist declares to be in possession of the full ownership rights of the work that is presented him or her. Within 150 days after the opening of the exhibition the city of Certaldo, will contact selected artists with details to make official the donation, according to the rules of law laid down in the Civil Code of the Italian Republic. Works which receive a ‘special mention’ can be donated to the city of Certaldo if the artists choose to do so.

Art. 9 - Acceptances and copyrights
1. Artists who submit a work to ‘Bop Decameron - A tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio' must be the authors of the images, and be in possession of all rights relating to them, including anyt music which accompanies a video. Each participant shall ensure that he or she has obtained, for all images, the necessary authorisations required by law either by the people portrayed or by their legitimate representatives. The organisers of Bop Decameron - A tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio ' can not be held liable for any disputes between participants and third parties claiming the copyright of a work.
2. Artists withold the rights to texts and images of works submitted online, but give Celeste Network the right to use them for the purposes of communication and promotion, to create catalogues, to use in promotional material and for the publication in Celeste Network’s websites.
3. All photographic material on paper or on CD / DVD, videos, and texts sent for participation submission by post will not be returned, but stored at Celeste Network.
4. The person or organisation making the submission onsite or sending materials for submission by post, is responsible for the visual and textual content of all materials posted and transmitted to ‘Bop Decameron - A tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio’. The organiser reserves the right to remove defamatory or obscene images or texts, unless they are motivated in writing by the artist. The images of works proposed will be visible online, being part of the complete visual documentation of the exhibition ‘Bop Decameron – A tribute by artists to Giovanni Boccaccio’, and can not be removed.
5. The applicant expressly authorises Steven Music and Celeste Network, as well as their direct employees and representatives, to treat the participant's personal data in accordance with Law 675/96 ('Privacy Act') and Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 (Privacy Code), also for inclusion in databases managed by these people. Any dispute will be dealt with in Italy under Italian law. Personal data, images of the works  and/or other works included on the website, or films/videos shot by the organiser during an event to promote the artists and Celeste Network, web promotion, communications and marketing, may be used by the organiser without necessarily seeking the consent from artists or other interested parties.
6. All that is contained in these Terms & Conditions are accepted fully by artists when they tick the acceptance box during insertion of their work online. Artists also accept all the provisions contained in the ‘Terms of Service’ which set out the rules of conduct in Celeste Network’s websites.
7. In case of dispute, the competent court is the Court of Florence, Italy.

April 2013.