These Terms & Conditions were published on 28 March 2012.
Deadline for submissions is 31 July 2012 - extended to 8 August 2012

To submit a work online: sign-up at https://www.celesteprize.com/eng_auth_login/ or login if you are already a member. In your personal admin choose box ‘Celeste Prize 2012’, pay entry fee and begin to upload. Alternatively, apply by mail sending all materials requested in Art.5 (B). N.B. It is cheaper and faster to submit online, and you save sending by post copies of the application form or images of your work.

Art. 1 – AIM
The prize has been established to promote international contemporary art in the widest possible sense. There will be a final exhibition of 40 artworks, a catalogue of circa 90 pages with circa 130 illustrated works and critical texts, as well as 6 prize awards totaling 20,000 €. The exhibition of finalist works, voting and awards will take place in Rome, Italy, at the Centrale Montemartini, 1 - 9 December 2012.

The competition is open to any person practicing art either as a professional artist in full-time or part-time, student artist or self-taught artist from anywhere in the world. There is no age limit for applicants and the prize is open to all artists whatever their qualifications, with or without experience of public or private exhibitions. The prize encourages participation by artists at every level.

Art. 3 – PRIZES
Excellence in content, contemporary aesthetic, technique, and material is sought in the selection of works for the final exhibition. Works submitted to the prize must have been completed in the last 24 months, and do not necessarily have to have been exhibited before. There is no special subject, title or theme required for participating works, and they can range from being figurative to abstract, from conceptual to participatory to performance in content and presentation.

First prize 3,000 €, second prize 500 €, third prize  500 €.
Media accepted: oil, acrylic, industrial paints, ink, vinyl, watercolor, graphite, pencil, illustrations, printing of various forms, etc. The work can have any form of support: canvas, paper, cardboard, wood, plastic, metal, etc. Diptychs or triptychs are considered one work. The maximum size permitted in a two-dimensional format is 2,5 x 2,5 meters, including any framing (the latter is not necessary).

First prize 3,000 €, second prize 500 €, third prize  500 €.
Media accepted: digital or analogue photography; computer graphic modeling; net/web art and software art presented in a 2D format; works in which several media are used, for example digital manipulations which include the use of painting or other forms of manual expression, polaroids, mobile phones, collages, etc. Diptychs or triptychs are considered one work. The maximum size permitted in a two-dimensional format is 2,5 x 2,5 meters, including any framing (the latter is not necessary).

First prize 3,000 €, second prize 500 €, third prize  500 €.
Media accepted for the video and animation: video, video art, short film, time lapse, stop motion, any kind of animation 2d and 3d (see video Art. 5. (B), 2, for video formats).

First prize 3,000 €, second prize 500 €, third prize  500 €.
For installation and Sculpture: installation; video installation; multimedia installation; sculpture – all materials are accepted (organic or inorganic); net/web art and software art presented in a 3D format with or without web streaming; works with an interactive basis and/or connection to electricity, motorization, light, sound or video. If an installation includes projection of a video the latter must be presented on DVD (Art. 5. (B), 2). The maximum area size permitted for works is 6 x 6 meters. For information about installing works see Technical support .

For Live Media works: a live audio visuals set, vj set, live cinema, any kind of performance, which may or may not include the use of any form of software and hardware. Live audiovisual performances can either be projected on screens or presented as a live audiovisual performance in a space which does not exceed 6 x 6 meters, as well as live audio visual performances, sound art and all forms of participatory art. Duration of finalist performances is max 30 minutes. For the purposes of presentation on the prize website a show reel in video is required (see video Art. 5. (B), 2, for video formats). The show reel can be a recording of a live performance of the work, or a presentation in computer graphics, which will be the core of the candidate’s set if it is chosen for the final. Finalist sets need to be performed live during the final in order to be voted for the prizes. For equipment provided by Celeste and how your work should be presented see Technical support .

(E)  CURATOR’S CHOICE PRIZE – 3,500 €* - Katya Garcia-Anton, the curator of the prize chooses one work at the finalist exhibition.

(F)  VISITORS CHOICE PRIZE -  500 €* - Visitors choose one work at the finalist exhibition.

*Celeste Prize has by Italian Law to hand over to the Italian state 25% of finalists’ prize money for tax purposes. This sum will be withheld by the Organizer from each first prize winner and all finalists who receive reimbursements. A prize winner or finalist who is non-resident in Italy can request the Italian tax authorities to have his or her tax advance re-credited in his/her country of residence, this is a suggestion and in no way represents a certainty guaranteed by Celeste Prize.


Katya Garcia-Anton

Selection Panel:
Irina Chmyreva
Michael Connor
Micol Di Veroli
Maymanah Farhat
Lara Khaldi
Eva Gonzalez-Sancho
Jack Persekian
Lydia Pribisova
Nigel Prince
Maria Inés Rodriguez
Risa Shoup

Live Media Panel:
Fonlad Festival - José Vieira
Forward Motion Theater - Eric Dunlap
Otolab-Orgone - Bertram Niessen
Claudio Sinatti – IED
Alessandro Ludovico – Neural Magazine

SELECTIONS: 40 finalist works and the 75 shortlisted works will be chosen by members of the Selection Panels and announced by 10 September. Each selector will publish online his or her 5 preferred works in each prize category (Selectors in the Live Media Panel will select only 5 Live Media works each). Artists of the 10 works which receive from selectors the highest number of preferences in each category will become finalists (except in the ‘Live Media & Installation’ category in which there will be 5 live media finalists and 5 installation or sculpture finalists), and will be invited to bring their works to the final exhibition. In the event of their being an equal number of preferences among some of the chosen works for ‘finalist’ and ‘shortlisted’ artists, the curator of the prize Katya Garcia-Anton will decide which works are chosen to go forward to the final exhibition. In the case that an artist has two or more works selected by the Selection Panel to go to the final, the curator will select one of the works to go into the final exhibition.

Only works present at the final exhibition can be voted for prizes. There will be one winner in each prize category (see Art.3, A to D) chosen by the 40 finalist artists themselves (10 finalists in each category) via a democratic vote  during the final exhibition. Each finalist will exercise one vote of preference in each of the 4 prize categories (a vote in one’s own prize category is worth 2 points, while a vote in a prize category other than one’s own is worth 1 point). The voting will be confidential. No one may vote for themselves or in agreement with other finalists, to do so will result in disqualification. Voting slips will be named and checked by Celeste. Winners will be those artists who receive the highest number of preferences in their prize category. Finalists qualified to vote can do so no later than 1pm on the day of the awards ceremony, either by visiting the exhibition and casting their vote or via email. In the event of a tie in any prize section, the curator of the prize Katya Garcia-Anton will decide which artist shall be the winner. Prizes will be given directly at the awards ceremony during the final exhibition.

Two other prizes will be awarded: one by the Curator of the Prize, the other by the visiting public at the exhibition on the awards night.

All finalists' artworks, including those by prize winners, will remain after the awards ceremony and exhibition property of the artists or of their legitimate owners.

Entry deadline is midnight Tuesday 31 July 2012 - extended to 8 August 2012. For submissions sent via mail the date of the post mark must be no later than 31 July deadline. No entry fees will be accepted after the deadline. Some participating works might be dated after the closing date due to delays in upload of artwork.

There are two ways of submitting a work:

Entry fee: 40 € for each work (€ 30 for each additional work). Entry fees are not refundable. To submit: sign-up or login to your personal admin page in Celeste, click on ‘submit’ in the box 'Celeste Prize 2012’, pay your entry fee, and immediately begin to upload your artwork, description and statement. You can always return to finish upload, when you have completed all uploads click on 'confirm' to ensure your work is visible and among candidate works to the prize.

Entry fee: 70 € for each work (entry fees are not refundable).
Send to: Celeste Prize 2012, Via Sangallo 23, 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
Include the following:
1. A complete and signed copy of the Application Form (see below and print).
2. On CD/DVD (or as positive photographs and text): Curriculum Vitae or a short biography, preferably written in English, but other languages are also accepted; An image file of the work you wish to submit, including title and description.

Image specifications for all works (except videos):
Send images of your works on a CD in JPG or TIF format. We advise a document size of 21x29 cm at 300 dpi. Or send a photograph in positive, minimum size 15x10cm, maximum 21x29cm (A4). Please indicate on the reverse of all photographs: name and surname, address, title of work, medium, dimensions (width x height) and year of execution.

Image specifications for videos, motion graphics, animation, and live media:

If you upload in vimeo.com and cross-link you do not have to send in your work. Send your video art work on CD-ROM or DVD Data, or upload on the website, in the following format: MP4, speed or data rate 2500 kbits/sec (for regular video) or 5000 kbits/sec (for high definition); there is no duration limit. If your work is selected for exhibition you will be invited to send a copy of the original art work with its full quality characteristics. It is necessary to send a still-photograph taken from the video for reproduction in the 2011 Celeste Prize Catalogue (above for photo characteristics).

(a) Login to www.celesteprize.com, enter your personal admin page and click on the box ‘Celeste Prize 2012’, pay for your entry with credit card via PayPal before you begin to upload artwork.
(b) Directly on www.paypal.com in Celeste Prize’s account: steven@celesteprize.com
(c) Electronic bank transfer*:
Account name: Celeste Network
Bank name: Banco Posta
Branch: Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
IBAN: IT74 W076 0114 2000 0000 5409 079

*Send your entry fee in € Euro currency, net, without transfer fees or commissions payable by Celeste on receipt. For bank transfers coming from outside-Europe you must ADD 10 € Euro to the entry fee.
You must state the following details when bank transfers are made:
1. Participating artist’s full first and family names.
2. Celeste Prize 2012 entry.


(A)  31 July  - last day for entries to Celeste Prize 2012 - extended to 8 August
(B)  10 September - publication online of selectors’ choices for the 40 finalists and 75 shortlisted artists.
(C)  1-9 December - final exhibition and awards at the Centrale Montemartini, Rome, Italy.

Each finalist will arrange and cover  transport/insurance costs of his or her work to and from the final exhibition location, as well as any personal travel arrangements. Installation and hanging of works for the exhibition will be decided by the Organizer. Any construction or production costs associated with creating or setting-up Installation or sculpture works will be covered by the artists themselves. For Live Media works Celeste makes available the following, see ‘Technical support.’

A copy of the 90 page catalogue with circa 130 illustrations and critical texts written by members of the selection panel will be available free to every finalist, while participating artists will receive a discount on list prices (see ‘Catalogues’ page). Copies of the catalogue can be collected at the finalists’ exhibition or requested by post from ZEL Edizioni, publisher of Celeste Prize catalogues.

(A) By ticking online Celeste Prize’s Terms & Conditions or signing the Application Form (the latter if prize submissions are made by post), artists accept all that these 2012 Terms & Conditions contain and Celeste Network’s website ‘Terms of Use.’

(B) All works appearing onsite and in print remains copyright and property of the originating artists. Artists allow Celeste Network to use images of works they upload for communication and promotion purposes only: to create the prize catalogue or other promotional material associated with the prize, and in Celeste's websites.

(C)  CDs, DVDs, CVs and any texts or catalogues submitted for the prize will not be returned, but archived by the Organizer.

(D) Those persons who upload text, images, or videos onto the prize website, and/or those persons who upload on behalf of participating artists, are personally responsible for the texts and for the visual content of the uploaded images. The Organizer reserves the right to remove any defamatory images or texts, he considers defamatory, unless these are motivated in writing by the artist. Artworks uploaded and presented to ‘Celeste Prize 2012’ and personal webpage relating to the artist will remain visible online and in use as described in (B) above, as part of the complete visual documentation of each prize submission and cannot be removed.

(E) Applicants to the prize authorize the Organizer Steven Music, Celeste Network and all those persons charged with working for them to handle personal data and images of creative work submitted to Celeste Prize, according to Italian Law - Legge 675/96 (the so-called ‘Privacy Law’) and successive amendments to it, D.lgs 196/2003 (Codice Privacy), for the purposes of insertion of information in databases and website. Any controversies will be argued and settled in the Italian legal forum. Personal data, images of creative work, or films and videos taken by the Organizer during the course of any event organized by Celeste Network, might be used by the Organizer to promote artists, other contemporary art events, web promotion, communications, and marketing without necessarily seeking another written consent from third parties.

(F) The Organizer retains the right to change the Terms & Conditions should the need arise.

Celeste Prize 2012
is working in collaboration with the ciity of Rome's Musei Capitolini - Centrale Montemartini, Zetema, Glocal Project.

Celeste Prize 2012, 4th  Edition
is organized by Celeste Network,
Via Sangallo 23,
53036 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
Tel / Fax: +39 0577 1521988
info [@] celesteprize [.] com

APPLICATION FORM - 4th Edition Celeste Prize 2012
(only for postal entries)

If you wish to enter the prize by post complete and sign the Application Form and send it with all materials requested in Art.5 (B) of the 2012 Terms & Conditions.

1. I wish to apply to Celeste Prize 2012:

Name and Family name/Surname_________________________
Postal address________________________________________
Place & date of birth (city & nation)_____________________
Place of work/study (city & nation)_______________________
Email and website_____________________________________
Telephone number/cell._________________________________
Academic studies: name & location of institution and degree
Art gallery representation (name, city & nation)____________

2. With the following artwork:
Measurement (width x height x depth in cm)________________
Year of execution______________________________________
If the work is a video, name author of musical credits_________

3. I wish to enter the following prize category(ies)
(make a cross beside) :
Painting & Graphics Prize
Photography & Digital Graphics Prize
Video & Animation Prize
Live Media & Installation Prize

4. I have attached the following documentation listed in Art. 5 (B) of Terms & Conditions:
Signed and completed Application Form, photographic or video materials, CV, receipt confirming payment of 70 € entry fee in which the Organizer uploads my candidate work, etc.

5. Acceptances
1) I accept selections made by the members of the Selection Panel.
2) I accept the decision to award prizes to artists who receive a majority of preferences from other finalists.
3) I accept the selections made for catalogue illustration.
4) I have read & accept the ‘Terms & Conditions of 2012 Celeste Prize’.



Send Postal Applications to:

‘Celeste Prize 2012’,
Celeste Network, Via Sangallo 23, 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
T & F +39 0577 1521988
E: info [@] celesteprize [.] com

Comments 3

Marco Morelli
11 years ago
Marco Morelli Artist
Samuel Alan Bridi
12 years ago
12 years ago
MaSingLing Artist
how many works can be submittied in the the prize?

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