
Neal Peruffo

Was born in 1980 and he grew up on the island of Procida. He graduated cum laude at the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples.
Being an artist with a rationalist imprinting, his research shows an interest for mechanisms which are analyzed from an aesthetic point of view, both graphical and physical, as well as meant as sociological, psychological, scientific processes.
The artist analyzes, takes possessions and transform them in order to create works which are generated from these same processes.
The “scheme” (evidence of rational thought) combines these two visions of the mechanisms by showing the structure of the analysis of those processes and becoming at the same time graphical element with a mechanical character.
His artistic production includes different techniques, especially photography, web, video and installations. The latest are particularly relevant when they acquire an environmental meaning since they are thought to dialog both physically and conceptually with the place they are projected for.
Now he lives and works in Naples.


